15mm Mecha

A friend's recent passing has left me with a large quantity of 1/87 Rafm Heavy Gear minis. Honoring his wish for them to see paint I have finished a few.

Here a strider with some 15mm Darkest Star games troopers.

Another view.

A large Drive Tank with the strider.

Another view.

2 bipeds with more Darkest Star Games 15mm.

Another view.

Back view.


A biped with a Grenade Launcher by some more drive armor and troopers.

Another view

Batu and a biped mech.

Aramaki and Bomanwith another biped with an Autocannon.

Another view.

Close up.

Thinking of using some modified Age of Saints, leaving out Host abilities and just Kinetic weapons for some VOTOMS style gaming. 

Here is a sample template for a medium mech.

More to come,


  1. That first one is a CAV from Reaper. https://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/CAV:%20Strike%20Operations/sku-down/72212


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