The Pulp and Movie Serial Adventure rules from Iron Ivan Games titled Where Heroes Dare! is almost done. One more play test, a few small tweaks, a smidge of rules on vehicles including Giant Robots, and the addition of copius amounts of art leaves the current status at about 90% complete. I finished up the Campaigning rules section which included random Chapter (scenario) Generators as well as Random Locations in the world and Random Dare! Encounters leaving players with an open door to create their own adventures. I am especially excited about the Giant Robot rules which will use a template similar to the Disposable Heroes & Coffin For Seven Brothers vehicle templates making the transition between systems easy. Up coming will be a small tutorial on how to make some quick and easy (plus cheap!) Dare! Encounter markers for on your tabletops to dress them up a bit.
Don't touch that dial!
Exciting stuff brother. I'm looking forward to playtesting this again. I want to be one of the Mechanical Monsters that was in Sky Captain, but was originally from an old Superman cartoon.
I have questions regarding Superman ever since you showed me that picture of He Man and him together...