2024 Halloween Game- Critters a Go Go

 This year’s Halloween game was a survival horror game using the No More Room In Hell rules but with Critters (Crites) instead of Zombies.

The overall table, a truck stop in the south west

Players will be Cartel members looking for a courier carrying drugs and cash. Models are Sicarios from SASm

The Crites and a Superfigs civilian.

An overview of the truck stop

The gas station is a 3D print that was gifted to me by the great Scotsman Tom Rolland.

Some diecast cars from old Toys R Us sets.

Fields from doormats and sheds from Patrick’s Miniatures on Etsy.

Propane tank and other small accessories were from SASM.

Propane tank from Crooked Dice miniatures

Old armor cast dumpsters

A shed from Patrick’s Miniatures on Etsy.

The game begins, Pablo exits the car and flips the first blip counter to reveal a Crite!

More blip counters and more Crites as they swarm Pablo.

Shaggy, a survivor is discovered but he doesn’t know where the drugs and stash are. He saddles up with Verdugo.

Shaggy and Verdugo run from the Crites.

Another Cartel member hits the gas and runs down 6 Crites before running out of gas!

Another blip is revealed and it’s the Critter Ball!

Verdugo pushes Shaggy into the ball as he escapes with a propane tank up the ladder to the garage roof.

Pablo makes it to the gas pumps roof and searches for the stash and the Crite strong point.

One Cartel member throws a found cooler of venison at the Critter ball to escape, but fails a Fear Test roll and ends up charging the ball only to be skeletalized by the ball. The other Cartel member runs in fear hiding behind the tow truck.

Critters begin swarming Verdugo on the garage roof.

He makes a successful jump across the gap to the gas pumps roof and shoots the propane tank he dragged up consuming the Critters and their spawn point in flames.

A Cartel member searches another car and the Crites swarm and destroy it.

Two Cartel members hole up in the shed

Another cartel member finds part of the stash!

Critters swarm into the shed with the two Cartel members!

The Cartel member escapes out the window and the Crites follow!

The ball rolls to find a new victim.

The cartel members secure an ambulance

The stranded Sicario shoots the gas drums by the shed and incinerates the Critter horde.

The guy with the stash has his car destroyed

But escapes onto the ambulance!

More to come,


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