10mm Battle at the Ford of Isen, Lord of the Rings

 A friend ran a game of Chipco set in the Lord of the Rings mythos using the excellent 10mm range from Copplestone Castings

The battlefield, the ford of the Isen 

This battle took place at the only available crossing of the River Isen 

Riders of Rohan

The champion in charge of controlling the ford from attack

The riders on the opposite bank, pushed back from Isengard

Saruman’s orc hordes marching on the ford

Excellent painting on excellent sculpts by Copplestone Castings

The quick play Chipco sheets


The orcs advance as the riders fallback attempting to weaken them with bow fire.

The riders act as light cavalry with lances and bows

Orca make contact and crash against the archers redoubt only to be stopped!

Orc wolf riders arrive on the opposite bank

Riders move to counter this new force

Orc lines faulter as the redoubt holds them back and now fire begins to split the line

A vortex of steel at the redoubt with it finally falling but at great cost to the orcs 

Meanwhile the other forces draw lines on the opposite bank

Orc forces take a sound beating but force the Riders to pay the reaper for the cost.

Great game using a fairly quick ruleset for linear warfare.

More to come,


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