Last Train to Baluchistan, 1980’s Pulp Game

Our most recent game I ran a 5 player 1980s Pulp game centered around a speeding train heading for the Baluchistan border with a hard drive from a downed Soviet satellite captured by the local militia.

Joe an Cobra forces are both tasked with securing the satellite hard drive without damaging it.

The train itself is in constant motion traveling at fast speed. Vehicles activate at fast speed and enter anywhere in the table edge. In following turns, at the start of their activation they must pass a Dare! Test. For each success they maintain a level of speed, fast, medium, slow. If they are unable to get 3 successes to maintain fast speed, the move the difference in inches to the slower speed they dropped to, toward the back of the train and eventually off the table. This is to simulate the difficult terrain and they may enter the table again once they are off at the next turn at fast speed as before.

Rail riders on the vehicles may attempt to board the train with a Dare! Test success.

The overall table

All aboard!

Cattle card filled with troops

One with a dshk

The militia on the train

The train is a combination of a Holiday train set and some O scale pieces I found for cheap

The interior of the train cars

The forces attacking the trains, Cobra STUNS

Cobra troop carrier

The sheets

A ferret

Firefly and Zartan who is hidden on the train

Joe forces, VAMPS and an Awe Striker

A Dragonfly

With rail riders


Buckets of d10s

Vamps come right in, attempt to unload boarders while shooting up the cattle cars

Militias return fire

STUNs enter near the front of the train and fire at a distance to avoid snap fire, drifting down the train in subsequent turns as they are unable to maintain the fast speed in the broken terrain.

Awe striker deposits Spirit and Stalker at one of the cars under withering fire. Freedom is killed!

Firefly opens up the car with the Ferret’s twin 50 Val’s

Clutch is unable to maintain speed with the train and slides to the rear. A ATG from inside the caboose attempts to shoot them but misses.

STUNs move to allow troops to board

While another slides to the rear and a firefight erupts with the Vamp!

The STUN takes a 70mm gun hit from the Awe Striker, killing the crew and forcing it out of control.

The ferret lights up the rear of the Awe Striker destroying it and Dusty

The STUN destroyed

The Vamp enters the table again

The cattle car is cleared

Air support is called!

Dragonfly drops troops onto the moving train

The table now

The cobra chopper arrives and attempts to down the Dragonfly

Dog fight ensues

The DSHK attacks the cobra chopper as Range Vipers attempt to board.

Last of the STUNs

The cattle car is cleared, no more dshk! Range Vipers advance as the Dragonfly destroys the Cobra Chopper

Zartan secures the drive for a Cobra win.

More to come,


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