Masters of Power, 28mm MOTU game

A few friends came over tocelebrate the great birth of our nation with grilled food and a test run of the Masters of Power game I’ve been working on for 1980s MOTU gaming.

The forces are Anti-Eternians vs Skeletor’s Evil Warriors, bad on bad action.

The scenario is that two portals are opened and that the two forces arrive to secure the Sage Dragon for their own diabolical designs.

A player must be in base to base contact with the dragon and pass a hard Power Check to get the dragon to move with the character back to their portal.

The overall table

Another view.

An abandoned Attack Trak

Deadly lava flows

The Sage Dragon

The Anti-Eternian Portal

The Anti-Eternians arrive

Moving forward

Skeletor’s Force

Skelebots forward

Their quick movement gets them ahead of the opposing force 

But are gunned down by blasters and sorcery

Only a single bot of the force remains, but Fallen

Skeletor advances and uses his Sorcery ability to cast arcane bolts

More fire exchanged

Skeletor advances


On both sides!

Stratos and the Sorceress arrive and guide the Dragon toward their portal

But Skeletor moves forward with his forces

Bolts of black magic are cast

Wounding the Sorceress

Stratos dives to attack Trap Jaw in an arial charge, but is gunned down on the way in.

Anti-Eternians move up

Trying to get to the dragon

Trap Jaw lays down withering fire, taking out Ram Man

HeMan lifts a block and throws at TrapJaw. He misses but blocks his firing lane.

The Sorceress attempts to attack with arcane bolts but fails to hit.

HeMan takes fire from TrapJaw but reflects a shot back to him with his sword.

TrapJaw, a definite MVP!

Duncan and Man E Faces return and fire on Merman

Taking him out

TrapJaw moves up to fire more

HeMan see the threat and uproots a pillar

Swings it at TrapJaw but misses him!

Skeletor and his forces advance

A charge is declared!

Melee ensues!

HeMan bests Skeletor in Combat!

The winning roll

Evil Lynn is next leaving a wounded Beastman a captive to the Anti-Eternians

“Pack him up for the zoo”

Rare scene of a birth in MOTU 

More to come,


  1. Awesome looking game, with some very good figures and scenery!

    1. Thank you! This was all mostly Ron and Tim's collections, very nice pieces. I'll be adding and adapting the rules periodically as I get the time and games in.


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