Pyramid of Darkness - Scenario 1 The Devil's Playground

I've pulled some inspiration for the next few GI Joe games from the cartoon mini series, The Pyramid of Darkness.

Our first game will be the Devil's Playground mission where Destro attempts to install one of the Control Cubes.

Scenario 1 Devil’s Playground


Cobra:  Deploy the Control Cube by the end of 8 turns.
Joes:  Stop the Control Cube­ and Capture any Leads or Companion Characters


1 Lead, 2 Companions, 5 Supporters and 1 vehicle per player.

Special Rules:

Calibrating the Cube: 5 Successful Dare Tests must be made to calibrate and activate the Cube.

Lava Flows:  Lava flows may be jumped over with a successful Dare! Check.  Models that fail suffer a AP 10 hit.  Vehicles that touch lava take a +4 DM auto penetrating hit to their tracks/wheels location.

Eruptions:  At the end of each turn, roll a d10 for each geyser spot on the table. On a 3 or under an eruption takes place.  Eruptions hit any group or model within 6 inches of it. The eruption is an AP7 and MM -2. Vehicles hit by an eruption receive an Auto penetrating hit with a -3 DM.

Shifting flows:  Whichever side lost Initiative for the turn may move one section of lava flow.  It must touch another section of lava and may not touch a model or vehicle.

Control Cube:  The Control Cube has some built in defenses and offensive weapons.  The Cube can not be destroyed, PLOT ARMOR.  The cube has 1 HMG mounted on each corner with 180 degree field of fire. Range 48 AP 8 ROF 4.  HMGs may be targeted and destroyed by small arms fire.

Cover: General terrain is -1 cover and -1 movement penalty.  Rocks provide -3 cover.

More to come,


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