Gaslands Big Game Hunter Scenario

 Some shots of our latest group game of Gaslands, the Big Game Hunter Scenario.

The denizens

The overall table, we are tasked with running 50 can teams to hunt giant mutated, fire breathing lizards.

Dave’s Doom Buggy with twin Gatling Guns

One of Jason’s Rutherford team vehicles

A view of both of them

The Slime team

The Mishkin team

My Warden team

Dave lights up the first lizard and enrages it to charge!

The Dank Trank on the move bringing a multitude of fire to bear on targets.

Nuka-Hurtz and Green Dragon begin firing but score a lot of misses on the agile lizards.

Green Dragon is rammed by a lizard!

Nuka-Hurtz swerved to evade the Dino

Dino strafing run!

Lizard sandwich!

In to a collision!

And more collisions

A charging Dino!

Taking down the wounded Gooch!

A huge collision with the Mishkin doing a Nuke blast!

Another head on!

And a T-Bone!

And a lizard assault!

And another!

In the end Dave had the most kills!

More to come,


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