Sabotage! Necromunda Campaign Game

 I got a rematch against the Delaque gang in our Necromunda Campaign in a Sabotage Scenario.

The underhive, a collection of 3D printed and scratch built terrain, mostly.

The Delaques have fielded an Ambot as one of there sentries.

My Orlocks advance on the objective, trying not to attract attention.

The objective, with a toughness of 6 and 4 wounds, not an easy thing to destroy.

Harpoon gun hits and damages the objective while taking fire from the Delaque sniper.

My Bolger puts down a Delaque sentry after being spotted.

Other Orlocks attempt to scale the platform to move on the target.

My ground floor Bolter puts 2 more wounds on the Objective, 1 more to go!

And now the murder bot enters the fray.

Delaques move into firing positions

The sniper continues to pick at my Gangers 

And flechettes thread my Orlock Heavy.

But my Harpooner remains standing.

My new recruit charges the objective to assault in melee

While the Ambot performs a hysterectomy on my other Bolter ganger.

In the end my gang got its first win with the objective being destroyed finally in hand to hand, but with 2 guys going out of action. I got 20 credits for the job, but it cost 70 to get my one guy back whole from the Doc so a Pyrrhic victory.

More to come,


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