Another Glorious Day In The Corps! 28mm Aliens Game
I ran a recent game of No More Room In Hell modified for the Aliens movie genre.
Colonial Marines on Orichaeleum IV encounter hostile xenos and grab an air scrubber from the maintenance docks before the entire Hab collapses!
The table
Marines enter in via the APC
Another view
The docks, mostly Mdf terrain. Mostly…
A view of the loading bay
Truck trailer with the scrubber
Another view of the truck bays
My adaption and the excellent tech manual on the Colonial Marines weapons
The APC with rule sheet
Marine Characters, each player starts as one of the team
Even Ripley is there
APC enters and quickly encounters xenos that damage the wheels.
Marines exit to clear the xenos
More xenos approach and are chewed up by the Gatling guns of the apc
The apc takes more damage and is immobilized, EVERYONE OUT!!
Marines exit the apc and engage the xenos
Swarms form
Apone let’s loose with the flamethrower!
Marines by the gantry begin to get swarmed!
Marines fight to reach the truck
Mood music for the game
Truck is secured and running, but gets swarmed!
Spunkmeyer tries to move the other truck blocking the exit
Desperate marines drop from the gantry to escape certain death
The truck immobilized, Apone torches the xenos and attempts to move the load to another truck
-but is killed by the xenos

Ripley exits the APC
Another truck is secured and grinds over xenos
A truck is loaded and heads out under attack
Torching xenos along the way
In the end the marines succeeded, got the scrubber, exited and killed the Queen but not without casualties
More to come,
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