Terrorist Dive Team from the 80s

When you have a 4 X 8 water table, a 28mm scale freighter, oil rig and water borne attack craft, you are going to need some aquatic troops.

Unfortunately there are limits in the 28mm market.

I was looking for this:

And so my closest find was from Lead Adventurers Miniatures. These were modern German forces, a five man team in wet suits. They were a little small compared to my other Pulp 80s forces so they got mounted on slotta bases AND washers.

And of course they needed a leader and who would you like to see in a bikini? Destro? Major Bludd? Maybe, I don't judge, but it had to be the Baroness for me. I was looking for a model for this:

Great stuff right? Well I found a 28mm swimsuit miniature with a harpoon gun that was stunning, I added some glasses with green stuff and we were good to go.

The team

The Baroness mini is slightly taller but that's fine, she looks more commanding.

A little south view for the fans.


The team is ready to be delivered to target.

Time to move out.

More to come,


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