Battle of Saipan, July 1944 with Iron Ivan Games
I got a chance to help test out the Battle of Saipan game that Iron Ivan Games is putting on for Historicon. Chal the Merciless helped Keith "Banzai" Stine run the Japanese against the stalwart USMC commanded by Mike and I. This night was just to test the mechanics of the game, the table and figures are still in the rough so don't judge just yet ;)
"So..uh, where's the cover for us Chal?"
The scenario uses flare mechanics to control the light.
Japanese Iron Beasts ready to drive straight through the Marines.
My mortar team that scored an amazing 5 "10s" on a 6d10 roll. Great...
A wider view.

Looks good. I don't think I have ever seen that many 28mm Japanese tanks on one table. I hope you get some pics of the big game at historicon.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was doing good with one Japanese HaGo tank. I might have to pick up a few more to field at least a platoon.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun looking game I'm just in the process of ordering my first 28mm WWII figures and am really looking forward to it, great blog
ReplyDeleteWhich company makes the 28mm USMC and Japanese?
ReplyDeleteThey look great!