Out in the Wasteland, out in the Wasteland...
Our last Gamma World RPG night saw the heroes sink even deeper into the post apocalyptic horror world of Gamma Terra.
Following a caravan from the Tech 2 town of Minetown toward the Restorationist town of Nuesite, the heroes encountered Skeeters, 1.5m tall mosquitoes, an attack by the Iron Society, a few plot twists, a giant Mantis, surviving a Black Lightening storm, only to end up as prisoners of the The Thought Masters of Sargath Khan.
We have been using the Alternity system for the game with great results that allow easy play. Also 15mm models grace our table for a cheap and easy setup on an erasable white board. Models used include Rebel Minis, Peter pig, Splintered Light, and Alternative armies. This has been my first time RPGing with this scale and it has worked out great especially with some cheap matchbox cars for wasteland mayhem. Now if someone like Rebel Minis could just release a few 15mm mutants...
Following a caravan from the Tech 2 town of Minetown toward the Restorationist town of Nuesite, the heroes encountered Skeeters, 1.5m tall mosquitoes, an attack by the Iron Society, a few plot twists, a giant Mantis, surviving a Black Lightening storm, only to end up as prisoners of the The Thought Masters of Sargath Khan.
We have been using the Alternity system for the game with great results that allow easy play. Also 15mm models grace our table for a cheap and easy setup on an erasable white board. Models used include Rebel Minis, Peter pig, Splintered Light, and Alternative armies. This has been my first time RPGing with this scale and it has worked out great especially with some cheap matchbox cars for wasteland mayhem. Now if someone like Rebel Minis could just release a few 15mm mutants...
Good stuff!
ReplyDeleteI had a blast playing Gamma World Alternity back in the day.