Operation Freight Train

 Operation Freight Train

The Joes need to clandestinely escort the democratically elected leader of Trucial Abysma back to the country he was exiled from…

The Joes are transporting the HVT on the Arbco Star freighter down the Suez Canal

A civilian tug is following them, but is it friendly?

The table, the Arbco Star remains in the center of the table but may shift its position by 6 inches if there is a man at the helm.

Joe team Alpha: Cutter, Shipwreck and Gung Ho

Joe Team Beta: Flint, Lady Jaye, Torpedo

Joe team Delta: Dialtone, Lifeline, and Roadblock

A Captain from the tug watches suspiciously with binoculars. ROE prevents the Joes from attacking it.

The first Wave of Cobra assailants led by the Baronness

Another view of the excellent TT Combat freighter. I have an article on this site covering the conversions I performed.

The tug approaches revealing Cobra forces on its aft deck. Night Landings get crewed up and set off for the freighter.

Roadblock and the Joes begin laying down heavy fire.

The night landings deploy

The joes rain fire onto the tug boat

The cobras on deck succumb to withering fire

The night landings attempt to assault the aft of the freighter

But receive heavy fire

The tug is broadsided by the freighter

The Baronness attempts to board but is repelled

Wounded but still defending!

Joes fire over the side 

Firefly sets charges on the freighter but is forced to take cover behind the tug

Joes continue to fire on the tug killing the captain 

Lady Jaye sprints to jump onto the tug from the freighter

Heavy gun fire at the aft of the freighter

As the night landings and their crew are whittled away

Firefly unpins but is too close to detonate charges on the ship and fire is too heavy to reach the helm of the tug

Torpedo disarms the charges

As Lady Jaye vaults onto the tug, with Flint’s help Fire Fly flees.

Next wave, Eels born in on Moray Hydrofoils jump pack onto the deck.

Successful reinforcements bring in a SHARC that fires a torpedo that is out maneuvered, but the Moray is hit with heavy fire from a deployed PAC RAT and Whirlwind.

Last wave is the Cobra SRV-9 that surfaces

A Float on plane attempts to land with troops but is taken down by the Whirlwind in a hail of fire.

BATs and Cobra Jetpack troops take heavy fire.

And the Joes successfully defend all 3 waves, even sinking the SRV-9 and Cobra Commander.

More to come,


  1. Oh wow. I read the report, I see the pictures, and I think "it couldn't have been that bloody, could it?" It sounds like Cobra got slapped! Great to see another of these Joe AARs! Well done!


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