A Family who works together, Zartan, Zandar and Zarana

I’ve finished creating the last member of the Zartan triad, Zandar.

The base mini is from Crooked Dice and the rifle and backpack are from a the sculpture I made for Thingiverse.

Zartan and siblings arrive at the warehouse launch point.

You two are late!

I’ve been here for two days brother, you are late!

Enough of this, where are the others

Here they come now

Let’s get moving!

More to come,


  1. Nice job! Zartan was one of the neatest Joe figures I had as a kid. I loved putting him in the freezer to see him change colour. And he came with extra faces to disguise him! Pretty impressive. I never had any of the other Zartan gang though. Their whole Mad Max thing didn't really do it for me as a kid, I guess.

    1. Thanks! Yeah Zartan was definitely a favorite toy, had a ton of gear! As a collector, I had to have the rest of the family too!

  2. Damn, they are great. I had Zarana as a kid. Your mini more than matches her badass attitude.

    1. Thanks! Fun minis to paint, lots of character.


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